Sunday 27 September 2020


Made by WarholKiller, @warh.olkiller.


  1. you guys should make an instagram... would definitely be one of my favorite accounts, it would be a lot easier to find all these beautiful artworks and you would have more interactions with people who likes all these designs, like me! ♡

  2. i am commenting this but i don't even know if you guys have it or not, lol i'm very sorry.

  3. Hi, thanks for your comment. I do have instagram accounts for my Kylie and Madonna blogs. But I make more artwork for them myself and those I post on the instagram accounts. I know, a blog is so old fashioned :-).
    My three blogs and those 2 instagram accounts already take up a lot of my time. Bit who knows, maybe I will start one for this blog as well.
